Spring At Your Doorstep


It’s that time of the year when the days start to get longer, and we feel spring is in the air.

And while nature awakens our impulse to freshen up our homes kicks in. The most inviting and fun way to get started is right on your doorstep. 

All images in this post are sourced from + belong to the respective merchant sites.

All images in this post are sourced from + belong to the respective merchant sites.

You probably haven’t really noticed your doormat since last summer. Doormats are super useful in winter, taking on all those mud and dirt situations. But when spring comes around, they suddenly seem a lot prettier even with the decline of their purpose. 

Here’s a little round up of our faves, all for less than $60.  


And hey, if you live in an apartment with a nothing in the hallway rule, just place your mat inside. It’s more for your happiness than anyone else’s anyway. Happy spring prepping!

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